Jonathan Owens Makes Simone Biles Smile With a Sweet Gesture After Being Apart on New Year’s Eve

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Does love grow stronger with distance? One might answer in the affirmative after witnessing the affection between Simone Biles and Jonathan Owens. 2023 started with the culmination of their relationship in tying the knot. However, both of them, being on top of their professional careers, did not have the luxury of being in each other’s company all the time. Surprisingly, that never took a bitter turn. Rather, it seemed to have strengthened the bond further. And it is not without reason.

Even when the two are away from each other, one always has the language to express love for the other. And Owens, like a true lover, knows the language that casts a spell the most on his Lady Love. After spending their first New Year as a married couple in the distance, the fragrance of that language must have once again impressed the gymnastics GOAT.

NFL star casts a flowery spell on Simone Biles

Owens is always on his toes to surprise Simone Biles with one of her favorite things, flowers. Be it her performance or his NFL match, he never fails to send flowers to his lady love. However, this time the reason is different. Owens is not with the love of his life on a special occasion like New Year’s due to prior commitments with the NFL season at the peak, but he knew how to make up for it and succeeded as well.

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