Amazing: Lewis Hamilton Finally Wins an Award

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After two demanding years navigating the Formula 1 track, Lewis Hamilton has finally secured a win. However, this victory doesn’t unfold on the racecourse but extends into a different realm. According to recent reports, Hamilton has transitioned into the world of skillfully producing high-quality non-alcoholic spirits and those efforts have now received accolades.

In a recent declaration, Lewis Hamilton has secured the esteemed Benvet Spirit Awards for his outstanding non-alcoholic spirit. This recognition underscores Hamilton’s groundbreaking entry into the non-alcoholic sector, partnering with the inventive Mexican spirits company, Casa Lumbre.

Interestingly this brand is spearheading the category with an alternative spirit that retains the traditional ingredients and processes of tequila which is a rarity in the market. However, the centerpiece of this innovative movement is Almave, an exceptional creation crafted in partnership with the F1 champion Lewis Hamilton.

Notably, Almave distinguishes itself by incorporating cooked and distilled agave, paying homage to the authentic origins of tequila.

Lewis Hamilton

Nevertheless, what sets it apart is its departure from the usual fermentation process, allowing this tequila counterpart to preserve the genuine essence of agave without the accompanying intoxicating effects.

Certainly, upon receiving the award, fans must have recalled Hamilton’s initial description of the non-alcoholic beverage. In an interview with Robb Report, the seven-time champion passionately expressed how this innovative drink would introduce a unique and refreshing taste for individuals.

What prompted Lewis Hamilton to venture into the non-alcoholic spirits industry?

Lewis Hamilton consistently displays a visionary approach, gaining renown not only in racing but also in diverse businesses, including the NFL and soccer. However, his latest venture takes a unique turn into crafting non-alcoholic beverages. Considering his varied ventures, one may wonder what prompted the British ace to step into the non-alcoholic industry.

The primary answer lies in the industry’s burgeoning growth. According to Nielsen, non-alcoholic drink sales in the United States surged to $395 million between August 2021 and August 2022, marking a substantial 20% increase over the year.

lewis hamilton

Another substantial reason behind introducing the drink is the increasing preference for sober lifestyles and conscientious drinking, exemplified by Hamilton himself. In recent years, as the 38-year-old has aged and maintained a commitment to excellence, he has placed a greater emphasis on his well-being.

To achieve this, he embraced a plant-based diet, inspired by the numerous health and environmental benefits it offers. Nevertheless, despite the shift towards healthier choices, Hamilton maintained a consistent habit as an enthusiastic drinker, a practice he initiated at the age of 16.

According to Hamilton, this aspect of his lifestyle appears inconsistent with the rest of his highly focused persona.  Considering this, the British athlete mentioned in a Vogue interview, “I’ve always been looking for how do you get that extra 1%? As an athlete, that’s what you are always doing.”

However, as he concluded, the seven-time champion clarified that his decision to prioritize well-being was more important to him than consuming alcohol. He said, “When you get home. I was like, wow, that’s kind of crazy how I’m feeling pressured. And I realized, how can I be feeling pressure at 38?”

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